Many times we need an objective test that will tell us if I’m in love with my partner, or rather am wasting my time in that relationship. Obviously we do not want to make any resemblance to marry to be separated the following year error. Therefore, conduct a test of love to have a moment of reflection and analysis of our relationship is always necessary and helps us clarify our feelings.
Then we’ll make a couple of questions you should answer real and profound way. Just so you know whether or not you are in love or love.
This question can be very obvious, but believe it or not is difficult to answer. Maybe at first you say, “yes obvious that I like, something I’m with him or her.” But when we begin to respond in more detail questions involving this big issue, perhaps the complications begin.
- Did you find attractive?
- Did you or admire?
- Do I learn with him or her?
- What or strange when we’re not together?
- Do I think of him or her with love?
- Do I like to call me?
- Do I get like making love with him or her?
- Am I interested in what you have done during your day?
Discusses how many questions you answered positively in this part of the text of love, and how many said a resounding NO.
If your answer was negative in 2 or less questions, you should feel calm, Like your partner !.
If your answer was negative in 4 or fewer questions, you should discuss your situation further. See what questions answered negatively and what you could do to change the situation in specific.
If your answer was negative by more than 4 questions, you should seriously rethink the love that you have for your partner. Perhaps you are no more in love or in love with your partner and you should evaluate when is the right time to end the relationship.
Do you like your relationship?
You may feel deeply in love or in love with your partner, but your relationship is something terribly boring, never go for a walk, have good conversations are constant fights or arguments. So it may be that you really like your partner but you do not like the relationship that carry them.
To determine if you like the relationship they have, answer the following questions:
- What a good time when I’m with him or her? I laugh and I like being with him or her?
- Do we treat them well? With love and affection?
- Do I like my daily life with my partner?
- Do we trust us? Can we be free of jealousy, insecurities and anxieties?
- Do I like to spend most of the time with him or her?
- Can we discuss difficult issues? Adequately do we solve our problems?
- Do we have good, rich and various sexual encounters?
- Are we free to say and do what we want?
Discusses how many questions you answered positively in the test item and how many you answered no.
If your answer was negative in 2 or less questions, you should feel calm because you like your relationship.
If your answer was negative in 4 or fewer questions, you should analyze the relationship further. See how things could be improved to have a richer, healthy, loving relationship.
If your answer was negative by more than 4 questions, you should seriously rethink your relationship. Perhaps only two are going through a bad time and could do a couple of exercises that help you improve your relationship.
Do you likes you in your relationship?
We can spend hours evaluating and analyzing our partner, but we never thought as we are in the relationship. We have never stopped to think how we feel or how we view them. We can be with someone we love, but when we are on your side, we are a fearful, insecure, jealous or anxious. Or are we in a different way to real to feel loved by our friend or partner. But the truth is that we are not free to be as truly are. To help you analyze how you are when you are with your partner you must answer the following questions.
- Am I happy next to my partner?
- I am calm and relaxed when I’m with him or her?
- Am I safe and I feel good at his side?
- Am I admired my partner?
- Are my qualities are enhanced when I am at your side?
- Am I able to manage my defects so good being with him or her?
- Can I be when I’m with him or her? Can I be real?
- Do I feel pretty, attractive and sexy to your side?
As with the other questions above, discusses how many questions you answered positively, and how many were a NO in this part of the test.
If your answer was negative in 3 or fewer questions, you should feel proud, you have the blessing of you likes how it’s you in your relationship. It is not very common, so you have to feel great!